
Columbus Marathon Training Week 10

Columbus Marathon Training: Week 10

August 17-August 23, 2015

 DOR – Iron Yoga DVD – This one is tough, and totally worth it.
Tuesday: Spin class, it was great! My arms felt like spaghetti, but in the good way.
Wednesday: 5ish miles of speedwork, felt good!
Thursday: DOR (Dog walk)
Friday: DOR (Dog walk)
Saturday: 2 mile dog walk then we participated in the AHA Heart Walk! 3 miles on a beautiful day!
Sunday: 16 mile long run. Started strong with the 11:00 minute pace group and got the first 8 done. Dropped off for the 2nd half and took some walk breaks, but still felt happy that I finished the distance.

I was happy to get in a day of speedwork this week, but I wish i would have had more running days. My time has been more dedicated to settling Ms. Roxie in to her new home this week, so I’m happy with that. Tomorrow we head to the vet. We went today for a “happy visit” and she barked at a lot of other dogs there, so keep your fingers crossed!
This week is a vacation week. I took a walk today, I plan on spin class tomorrow, hills Wednesday, slow run Thursday, rest day Friday, and a run around the Erie Peninsula Saturday! 18 miles on our long run calendar this week!


Columbus Marathon Training: Week 9

Columbus Marathon Training: Week 9

August 10-August 9, 2015

 DOR – I started my morning at the dentist office. It was… terrible.
Tuesday: 2.9 Mile walk. I had to skip spin class – we had a rescue puppy come visit, and we will get to adopt her on Thursday!
Wednesday: 2.5 mile run in the morning.
Thursday: DOR – Our new dog (Roxie) came to live with us today!

resuce dog
Welcome home, Roxie!

Friday: 2 mile walk with the doggy
Saturday:2 mile walk with the doggy
Sunday: 10 mile run. The first 6 miles were ok. We stopped for fuel and then started out to get the last 4 done. The humidity had really kicked in, and I started having trouble catching my breath. The last few miles were full of run/walk breaks, but still managed to average an 11:30 pace this morning. But it wasn’t (*heaves*) pretty!

Just waiting in the Starbucks drive-thru…

A very laid back week in terms of training, but momentous in terms of our household! I am so happy that we found this sweet girl through a local rescue, and that everyone agreed we would be a good match. We still have to work on separation anxiety and leeriness of other dogs, but we are absolutely willing to do what we have to to make her comfortable, and an amiable dog for all of our friends and family!


Columbus Marathon Training: Week 8

Columbus Marathon Training: Week 8

August 3-August 9, 2015

 Yoga DVD. I’ve been using this gentle yoga dvd for a few years now, and I really love it when I “don’t want to do anything”. Every time I do it, I love it.
Tuesday: Spin class. It was very tough and I felt like puking! Whoo hoo!
Wednesday: 4.5 miles in the morning before work.
Thursday:  DOR – but we walked all around our State Fair! Yay deep fried Nutter Butters!
Friday:  Tried out my Iron Yoga DVD. It was a pleasing challenge! We also went to meet a sweet doggie that we are hoping to adopt next week! Fingers crossed!
Saturday: DOR – I was exhausted after work
Sunday:  15 mile training run – took it nice and easy today. It was crazy hot! Then we went on a canoe trip- FINALLY! We have had a rainy summer, and I’ve been working a lot of weekends, so we finally got out on the water!

Fingers crossed we get to adopt a rescue pup this week! When we went to meet her, I fell in love with the sweet girl! I may have a little run buddy soon!



Columbus Marathon Training: Week 7

Columbus Marathon Training: Week 7

July 27 -August 2, 2015

Tuesday: 2.8 mile walk in the morning followed by Spin class
Wednesday: Yoga DVD in the morning. SHORT walk with Walking Club in the evening (we got rained on!)
Thursday: 4 mile run
Friday: 3 mile walk in the morning followed by a 5 mile run with 6x 1min on:1min off sprints
Saturday: DOR
Sunday: 13 miles

Today’s long run was an interesting one. We had a party Saturday evening and it was a great night!  I managed to have a few glasses of wine in my pre-measured glass, and kept the snacking in check. Didn’t get to bed until about 11:30 so getting up at 5:45am was a challenge. I wasn’t feeling well at the first half of the run and I was behind my group for the first 5 miles.  Met back up at our turnaround and managed to get the other 8 done. Took it very easy and felt better when it was over!

I made up my goal of three runs and this week. Next week, we have a fundraiser and a visit to the State Fair, so lots of good food on the menu – which means I need to fit in as much activity as I can! Picked up a DVD from work called Iron Yoga that incorporates hand weights with yoga poses. I’m looking forward to that one, then spin Tuesday, Wednesday morning run, Thursday morning yoga, Friday speed work and Sunday long run!