
2012 Roundup and 2013 Resolutions

As you can see…  I fell off the blogging wagon towards the end of 2012.  I have two races that I never recapped.  The Turkey Trot over Thanksgiving weekend was a lot of fun, and I was really happy with my time.  The Santa Hustle was fun, I walked the 5k with thousands of other Santas.  I cooked some, I watched a lot of football, I went through a disappointing time trying to be a receptionist at Weight Watchers, and I have kept up with running as best I could…

Until this holiday week, where I have been in pajamas, or out to dinner, more than I’ve been on the road.  My mojo has gone by way of the unshoveled sidewalks on the way to the running path, and I’m looking to get it back!  Planning 4-5 today, followed by 9 tomorrow.

Back to Chicago on Sunday, and starting training week #9.  Looking forward to a clean slate, a trip to the grocery store for some “back on track” food, a party with dear friends to welcome in 2013, and 3 strong weeks of training.

2013 goals:

Running ~ 3 Half Marathons (F^3 = January/Cap City = May.  Potentials = Chicago Half or Fleet Feet Women’s Half).

Mileage ~ 60 Miles/Month

Fitness ~ Find a new class! Crossfit?  Yoga?  Time to explore…

Personal: Finance ~ Stick to grocery/spending budget

Personal: Reading ~ 4 books/month (including at least one hour of quiet [technology free] reading per week)

Personal: Exploring ~ 1 new Andersonville Restaurant/month